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Frodin Barret Bimbo Classic Series
This odd-looking fly actually looks a lot better wet in the water. The brutal hackle slims down and it swims beautifully. This os one of my favourite flies for Em's big sea trout. It carries my favourite pool's name where it caught many nice sea trout, a few over 20lbs. I fish it slow and let the seductive hackle do the trick. A good silhouette and lots of motion, thats what these big trout love.
Frodin Zebra Classic Series
One if my new favourites, an extra magic pattern. It has given me so many great catches in just a few years, it has now become one of the flies I every year catch the most fish on. The white/black/white wing has not only given the fly its name, it also gives the fly extra contrast. I must say I like the classic touch the teal hackle gives. I fish this as a general standard for clear water.
Frodin Kraken Classic Series
Big and bad, this is our number one fly for the dark. With phosphorescent tubing, cone, flash and rubber legs this is the fly for the trickiest salmon. The phosphor will shine up the night and some fish just love it. The darker it gets the better it is. With these materials, you don’t need to load the material with flashlight, they will find enough light to shine. This is also our favourite fly for big fall sea trout.
Frodin Vaehaeniva Classic Series
At the bend at Vaehaeniva I hooked a great fish, my friend said that if I could hold it in the pool he would eat it raw! He did not have to - the salmon took me down through the pools almost a kilometre before we could land it - it weighted over 40 lbs. A super fly for dusk and dawn. A discrete greenish fly that now is the absolute favourite of some of my closest friends.
Frodin Nanook Classic Series
This little special fly got its name from the white powerful hunter in the north. Nanook is a clear water fly. I often vary my sunshine flies from light blue to light green. In this pattern, I mixed the colours and got a nice sunshine fly that works well in both the greenish and bluish rivers. This fly has been in my box since the late 80's.