Fin & Game Online Shop
Dark Alexandra Tube
A classic pattern from the mid 1800's. Often used in the middle or on the point of a wet fly cast, was so effective it was once banned!
Irresistible Adams
Delicate upwing flies including general representations and specific matches presenting a perfect shape to feeding fish. Size, profile and colour are essential considerations in choosing your pattern
Grayling Witch
As the name suggests this is a superb dry fly for Grayling but it will also take Brown and Rainbow Trout
Black Pearl Snake Fly
A great Sea trout fly for fishing at night.
Dark Alexandra Snake Fly
The Dark Alexandra needs no introduction as a sea trout fly. Snake flies have a long profile in the water and great movment in the body to tempt the picky sea trout.
Red Tag
A best seller.All sorts of adult terrestrial or aquatic bugs are represented by these flies which float perfectly for delicate fishing.
Sewin Stoat Tube Fly
The Sewin Stoat is a very succesful sea trout fly with a twist. The fly is tied on an aluminium tube giving a great all round fly for a range of conditions.
Parachute Black Gnat
With the hackle wound horizontally around an upright wing or post, this easy to see and very buoyant style of fly sits low and delicately on the water. Some anglers use nothing else.
Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail
Featuring a Tungsten Bead to help get your fly right down to feeding fish fast the addition of the soft hackle gives extra mobility to induce a take. Use it on both still and running waters to get down deep.
Yellow May Compara
When the small Yellow Mays start to hatch and trout become preoccupied on the adults this pattern is a must have. A perfectly formed dry to match the naturals and tempt the shyest of fish.. Barbless
Greenwell's Glory
Is a very popular trout fly designed on the River Tweed that has stood the test of time and still remains a firm favourite.
Klinkhammer Black
Basically a parachute, but designed by Hans van Klinken so that the abdomen and tail dip into the water. Variations abound, but the concept is highly effective, especially for targeting river trout.